Invitation Card Design

Playing with Typography

Designers often use calligraphy and custom fonts to add a personal touch to invitation cards, creating an emotional connection with recipients

Wax Seal Revival

The classic practice of sealing envelopes with wax has made a comeback, adding an elegant and nostalgic charm to modern invitation designs

Hidden Messages

Some invitation cards contain hidden messages or symbols that hold sentimental significance to the event's host, adding an intriguing layer to the design

Origami Invitations

For a unique and interactive experience, some designers craft intricate origami-style invitation cards that recipients can fold and unfold

Incorporating Scent

Adding a subtle fragrance to invitation cards enhances the sensory experience and leaves a lasting impression on the recipients

QR Code Inserts

Tech-savvy designers integrate QR codes into invitation cards, enabling guests to access additional event details or RSVP directly through their smartphones